Notification of BreakPoint Connect Forum Content

All "posts" made by association members on our various threaded discussion forums, including Executive Think Tanks (ETTs), Industry Clusters (ICs), Special Interest Groups (SIGs), Birds-of-a-Feather (BOFs), Clubs, Groups, etc., are opinions only, and therefore they may not be correct and should not be considered neither as correct, final, or without need for other professional advice. The responsibility for ensuring correct adherence to regulatory and audit guidelines lies with the individual / business entity. Any member advice given on any of our forums should not be considered a substitute for engaging the services of a qualified professional. Neither this website nor its members bear any responsibility for any loss which results from advice given here.

The Global Associations are not responsible for any member-generated or user-generated content. All member Content which is submitted is the expression of views of their author only.

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